Teaching post at Winchester College

Winchester College is advertising for a part-time teacher of Philosophy and Religious Studies.  The closing date is 22nd July.   More details

More from Ofqual

Ofqual have recently published the following documents, which you may find interesting: the outcome to the consultation on regulating academic and technical qualifications at level 3a consultation on regulating alternative academic and alternative technical...

Ofqual on exam results 2021 and 2022

Ofqual have published a series of documents about exam results this year and in 2021, which you might find useful. Exam results 2022: 10 things to know about GCSE, AS and A level grades – The Ofqual blog An investigation of inter-subject comparability in GCSEs...

Head of Philosphy and Religion

Godolphin and Latymer School in Hammersmith, West London, is advertising for a permanent, full time Head of Philosophy and Religion For 1 September 2022 or 1 January 2023. Get the full details

OCR Religious Studies Study Day for Year 12 students

This is a fantastic free study day to be held at the Faculty of Divinity, University of Cambridge on 17th June. Your year 12 students can experience a taster lecture from Dr James Orr, plus three study sessions with Libby Ahluwalia, teacher, syllabus developer,...

New draft Handbook on Religion and Worldviews in the Classroom

The Religious Education Council have published a draft Handbook on Relgious Education and Worldviews in the Classroom. It’s aim is to “support syllabus writers and curriculum developers on translating the REC’s vision of an excellent education for all...