Theology, Philosophy and Religion Essay Competition
This summer term sees the return of our essay competition. We invite entries from pupils in year 7 and in years 8 and 9. This year we are very grateful to ISEB and Academy Conferences who have generously sponsored the prizes. Read more and register your interest...
ISRSA response to Ofqual consultation
Thank you to all who responded to the consultation. I was delighted to be able to share what can only be described as a very impressive set of ideas from a brilliant group of professionals! THANKS for all the care and thought that you put into this. The pressurised...
REC News
The REC has produced free resources and is holding a webinar to explain the view that religion is a subset of many worldviews Exploring Worldviews - Discussion Papers | The Religious Education Council of England and Wales Session 1: What’s all the fuss about?14th...
Culham St Gabriel’s news
Culham have launched a STUDENT Competition: Culham have courses for advanced professional development with generous grants to help teachers study. Details below: Masters Scholarship: Application Deadline...
Council news
Clare Jarmy after many years dedicated to ISRSA has sadly stepped down from council. Congratulations on her new post as Assistant Head at Bedales. Rebecca Pickering who has been a huge help and represented the prep schools in our group is also stepping down. We are...
Ofqual consultation
Ofqual are consulting with us again regarding provision for assessment this summer for GCSE and A level. Please would you take a few moments to feedback to ISRSA your views so that we can accurately representing you? In essence the proposal is for teachers to assess...
Fostering respect for diversity in a climate of fear and misunderstanding – the case for a religious
I recently woke up to the horrifying news that over a quarter of British people hold anti-semitic attitudes. It is hard to believe these hateful attitudes could be possible when there is still living memory of World War II atrocities. I hosted a lecture recently in...
The Mindfulness Opportunity
In A New Buddhist Path, David Loy attempts to bring into dialogue what he calls the transcendent and immanent streams of Buddhism that can roughly be mapped today onto the eastern (“religious”) and western (“secular”) Buddhist traditions. He asks, ‘What is the meaning...
Change to ISRSA contact email address
The ISRSA's email address has changed and now matches our website: [email protected] Please get in touch if you would like to be added to our very active Google Group!
Change and Opportunity – the new ISEB RS proposal
Times are changing rapidly in terms of the way our subject is understood and how it is to be assessed. Senior schools are already learning to adjust to the GCSE Religious Studies specifications and A Level specifications launched this September. With new subject...
ISRSA competition for schools!
Please click here to see details of the ISRSA's exciting new competition for schools, open to senior and prep school students and inviting them to reflect on 'Why Religious Studies matters to me.' Prep school entries should be not more than 400 words, and senior...
We need to talk about religion
Alice McNeill is Head of Theology at Ampleforth College and the Chair of the Independent Schools Religious Studies Association. Education in England has always been intertwined with religion, and yet this year we are facing some fundamental decisions about the place...