Theology Philosophy and Religion Essay competition Summer 2023

This year we are very grateful to ISEB who have generously sponsored the prizes for this year’s Theology Philosophy and Religion essay competition.

Competition Winners

Category 1: Year 6-7

First Prize

Edward Marsden – Battle Abbey School

Second Prize

Giorgietta Ungar – North London Collegiate School

Joint Third Prize

Neriah Allen – St Saviour’s and St Olave’s School

Ananya Subramonian – St Paul’s Girls’ School


Issam Abou Zaki – St Paul’s Junior School

Scout Acott – St Paul’s Girls’ School

Ellie Atkinson – Berkhamsted School

Edward Beeby – Gayhurst Prep School

Rowan Cooper – Wycliffe Prep School

Ethan Kumar – St Andrew’s School, Woking

Amelia Norton – King’s College School, Cambridge

Tomorhiro Oxborrow – St Paul’s Junior School

Ram Pisharody – Hymers College

Aishwari Prabhuram – Beal High School

Shriya Saksena – Surbiton High School

Caitlin Stockwell – The Perse School


Category 2: Year 8-9


First Prize

Lilia Poustian – Notting Hill and Ealing High School

Second Prize

Marisa Martignon – St Paul’s Girls’ School

Third Prize

Amber Yap – North London Collegiate School


Allegra Amicucci – St Mary’s School, Ascott

Charlie Broaders – Queen’s College, London

Zyana Cherian – Hymers College

Maisie Hicks – Surbiton High School

Athena Hu – North London Collegiate School

Holly Ryan – Berkhamsted School

Israel Benjamin Toye – Manchester Grammar School

Kirill Volosins – St Paul’s School

Amy Ye – North London Collegiate School

Richard Zhou – Haberdashers’ Boys’ School


Judge’s report

It was a very great pleasure to read so many excellent essays which clearly indicated how much personal reflection, research and care had been given to their composition.  Overall, the standard this year was even higher than in previous years.

It was good to see many more entries for the Religion question in both categories, and although there were fewer Theology entries, the quality of essays was generally very high.

The winners are to be congratulate on the sophistication of their language, the quality of their arguments and the focus on the essay question throughout.

ISRSA thanks the Independent Schools Examining Board and, Academy Conferences for their generous support in sponsoring this year’s TPR prizes.


Michael Wilcockson

Essay Questions

Category 1: Year 6-7

Essays must be no longer than 400 words.


‘Jesus made an unfair demand on the rich young man to give all his wealth to the poor.’ Do you agree? Show that you have considered both sides of the argument.


‘Only by following deep ecology will the world be saved from ecological disaster.’ Do you agree? Show that you have considered both sides of the argument.


‘Following a religion makes one less selfish.’ Do you agree? Show that you have considered both sides of the argument. Refer to one religion you have studied.

Category 2: Year 8-9

Essays must be no longer than 800 words.


‘The story of Cain and Abel (Genesis 4:1-16) is about the two sides of each person’s human nature.’ Do you agree? Show that you have considered both sides of the argument.


‘The only reality is my reality.’ Do you agree? Show that you have considered both sides of the argument.


‘Religion does more good for the world than humanism.’ Do you agree? Show that you have considered both sides of the argument.