

ISRSA is the only national association to represent RS teachers of independent schools, providing training, development and mutual support to its members. We provide a single unified voice, representing the interests of our members at a national level. Our members benefit from high quality training opportunities and access to a range of membership services.

We value our reputation for offering warmth and professional, practical advice and we are delighted to offer an expanding range of member benefits.

If you have not yet done so, I ask that you please support ISRSA with annual membership so that we can continue to provide you with unparalleled professional opportunities.

How to join or renew your membership

Annual membership costs £125 per person and for one year

(£60 for students).


Membership benefits

  • Discounted attendance at our annual conference
  • A network of highly experienced specialists in RS pedagogy
  • Access to events in University Theology and Philosophy departments.
  • Invaluable opportunities for networking and CPD
  • Access to exclusive members’ club resources to help through the year
  • Up-to-date news items of issues pertinent to our subject area
  • Advice and help always available: [email protected]
  • Membership of our Facebook group for networking and support
  • Find out first about RS jobs in independent schools. Free vacancy advertisements to our members’ schools.
  • The opportunity to stand for council and contribute at a national level


Become a member

  1. Register an account on our members site.
  2. You will received an email to confirm your account.
    Click the link in the email to create a password for your account.
  3. Once logged in to the member site, you will see an option to pay to gain full membership access.
  4. To renew, login to your user account below and you will be given an opportunity to raise an invoice for your subscription.